Fields of the Statistics File # Header line (first line of report) 1) Version of this report 2) Registry [ apnic, arin, iana, ripe ] 3) Serial number of this specific report 4) Number of data lines to follow (not including summary lines) 5) ? Not clear on what was supposed to go here ? 6) Date report was run 7) Checksum of the data (Method TBD) # Summary lines [ experimental - are these useful? ] 1) Registry stats being summarized 2) -- no meaning -- 3) Resource being summarized 4) -- no meaning -- 5) Total number of resources allocated by this RIR for specified resource, e.g., total number of network nodes, AS numbers, etc. 6) -- no meaning -- 7) "summary" # Data lines 1) Registry [apnic, arin, iana, ripe] 2) Country code [ISO-3166] 3) Type of allocation [ipv4, ipv6, as] 4) Address/AS 5) Amount of allocation 6) Date of allocation 7) Status [allocated, assigned, returned, reallocated]